Barfoot & Thompson - St Heliers



As a property lawyer, I had considerable experience assisting clients through a diverse range of conveyancing transactions. I also observed the pace and excitement of the market over numerous property cycles. This made me think about real estate as a profession, for myself!

In addition to my experience as a lawyer, knowledge gained from my own buying and selling of real estate, my professional network and a familial background in property, makes me a dependable choice.

I have lived my whole life in the Bays, and I’m married with a baby boy. Spending time with my young family is top of my list when I’m not working. My enjoyment of music translates to me being a keen drummer and a sometime guitarist. Also, living in the Bays all my life has grown my love for boating.

If you are seeking youth, energy and dependability, I look forward to having a chat with you about your real estate needs.