

Bob has been successfully selling property for over twenty years and prides himself on his high levels of service and integrity. He puts his success down to being calm, honest, punctual, factual, communicative, direct, hardworking, conscientious and always thinking ‘outside the square’ to achieve the best results for his clients. It’s these factors that ensure Bob keeps efficient, effective and active. Apart from the fact that they produce results, they represent Bob’s makeup and overall approach to life.

Bob is somewhat of a rural person and enjoys having a horse close to hand as he partakes in polocrosse in the summer months as and when time allows. This association and knowledge of lifestyle and rural properties gives Bob a broad range of property knowledge and the ability to sell all types of property.

A humorous story from Bob’s past….. whilst operating in North Canterbury (and unbeknown to him at the time) many affectionately referred to Bob as “The Ferret” as, in their eyes, he wouldn’t let go until the property was sold! A rough description perhaps, but an honest indication of his efforts in a region where he enjoyed a huge market share.

Bob believes humour can prove a very strong selling tool and he uses this constructively to help put his clients at ease so that channels of communication can be open and used to provide an effective platform so that successful negotiations can take place and positive outcomes achieved. So, if you’re considering selling your Northland property, then make sure you give Bob a call first – you’ll be glad you did!