Matt Morton & Co - Nationwide

Matt Morton & Co - Nationwide

20 St James Place, Fairfield, Dunedin



Transparency in Real Estate

Matt Morton & Co is a local Real Estate company firmly focussed on transparency and upfront values. We believe the process of buying and selling property should be smooth and comfortable. We achieve this through direct, no nonsense information to both buyers and sellers, so each party understands what they are getting out of the sale. We play no games, we don't waste your time. We are here to give you the best information so you can make an informed, easy choice to sell or purchase with us. These are our values and we pride ourselves on holding them high.

Our clients find this results in excellent prices for their properties and buyers find they understand what they are buying and can purchase with confidence. We are here to make a success for all involved. We encourage you to review our client testimonials further below to see what sellers and buyers really think of us.

Matt Morton & Co Limited | Licensed REAA 2008