NZ Real Estate - Waikato
NZ Real Estate - Waikato

NZ Real Estate - Waikato

6 Bates, Hamilton



I have seen, and been part of, the evolution of Real Estate Agencies and practises, ( relating to Residential and Lifestyle Block sales especially ), from the early seventies until now, from no Sole / Exclusive agencies, no open homes, no signs on properties, when buyers and vendors were totally dependent on phoning us [ Landlines ! ], or coming to the office to locate and view homes – to the present market scene of total exclusive agency acceptance, all signposted, and all “open “.

Offices are rarely visited these days ( except for Auctions, but that’s another story ).

Primary contact, viewing of properties, is now via open homes, mobile devices, and the internet.

The internet, with it’s efficiencies and cost effective 24/7 coverage, is making newsprint advertising obsolete. The buyers have moved on.

Netzone Real Estate is a new model Real Estate Agency – we’ve stripped out the now obsolete and unnecessary overheads which the traditional Agencies are subject to, and we pass those savings on to the consumer.

In short, we provide a choice…

Netzone has the potential to save consumers thousands.


Art Rolfe
Lynne Johnson
Paul Orton