

I started out in real estate 10 years ago after spending the first 25 years of my working career in telecommunications in a technical role. It was time for a change and a mate invited me to join him at Buller Real Estate, so I thought “why the hell not!” 10 years on and a whole lot more grey hairs (the ones that are left) and I’m still here and still learning.

I’ve done pretty well out of real estate and the reason for this is I see myself as a people’s person – I like to get involved with clients and customers at their own level, in their own comfort zone where we all feel at ease. I’m definitely a “call a spade a spade” person and find its way better to tell it how it is, before you tell them what they can obviously see for themselves.

I suppose I’m a bit rough around the edges but that’s just me. I don’t like to kid people that I know something when I don’t and I never claim to be an expert at anything. The best advice ever given was to learn to listen and this was harder than I thought, but worth its weight in gold.

There’s not much I don’t sell in real estate, covering residential, rural, commercial and business.

I also get called upon to provide assistance in the tri-annual Government Valuation rounds and guess I have a reasonable feel for the market. I never “buy” listings and I’ll always tell you how I see it. No surprises means no explaining to do later.

Another belief I hold is don’t sweat the small stuff or you’ll get consumed and miss the big stuff. As Branch Manager and partner in Property Brokers Buller, I feel privileged to be part of such a wonderful group of people as Property Brokers. You can rest assured you’re interests are ours!

My own team are a great bunch and we welcome you to call in any time for any reason. Cheers!