

My Name is Robbie Chaimowitz. I grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa and have lived in this beautiful country that I now call home for the past 6 years. I am an avid sportsman and actively involved in the hockey community as I believe in giving back to the sport that I have gained so much from. I have owned and operated a Hardware store prior to moving to Auckland which has given me a vast amount of experience dealing with many peoples different needs within the property sector. On arrival, I established a small handyman business while my family and I got our feet on the ground.

The companies I have worked for since have given me a variety of exposure to the property industry and allowed me to deal with property owners, landlords and tenants alike. I feel the team a Inspire is down to earth, friendly and there is a great work ethic embedded in the organisation. I really look forward to working with you on your investment.