

Sales - Last 24 months

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Sales - All time

(Confirmed sales)

I have been marketing and selling properties since 1991 in this time I have been an owner and a share holder in other local real estate companies.

Vicky has been in real estate since 1991 and has always been known to have a leading edge in the industry.

Over the years she has had very successful teams working for her and has been awarded some of the highest awards within previous companies during her career.

Vicky has a distinguished reputation, and is highly professional with a no-nonsense attitude.

Her success in real estate is proven with the continued referrals and repeat business.

Married to Cameron Ashton, a well-respected builder, Vicky and her husband have created their dream lifestyle on what started as a bare lifestyle block. Now it is basically a Ranch where they have American Quarter horses, Pedigree Miniature Hereford cows and Suffolk sheep. Not to mention a cat, and two little house dogs Dot and Cinders.

Vicky gets to do her favorite hobby in her spare time: riding in her purpose-built arena and tending to her horses including competing in Western riding events throughout New Zealand. She owns Rocklyn Miniature Hereford Stud and is on the council of the NZ Miniature Hereford Association.

My passion away from real estate is equestrian activities. I own and compete 2 American Quarter horses and also own an equestrian life style property.