AndCo - Lowe & Co



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Meet Shannon, a distinguished and top-performing real estate professional with a proven track record of success. Hailing from Dunedin, Shannon made the move to the windy capital in 2014.

Shannon brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the real estate arena. With a robust background in sales and recruitment, he has consistently delivered exceptional results for major organizations.

Shannon's dedication to excellence sets him apart, making him a reliable and trusted advisor for his clients. His commitment to achieving outstanding outcomes is evident in his status as a consistent top performer. With a keen understanding of the real estate market and a passion for client satisfaction, Shannon navigates transactions with precision, ensuring that each client receives unparalleled service.

Known for his professionalism and integrity, Shannon forges lasting relationships with clients who appreciate his proactive approach and meticulous attention to detail. Whether buying, selling, or investing, Shannon is the go-to expert for those seeking a top-tier real estate experience.



"Anita & Shannon provided the utmost professional service and attention to detail. Once I decided to sell, I felt frazzled and overwhelmed by which agency to go with and the mixed advice I was receiving. Then came Anita and Shannon, who provided a clear and positive path forward through (what many feel to be) an intimidating process. They took many of the painful administrative tasks away. They understood my needs as a busy professional and meticulously organised everything so I could get on with life with as much normality as possible. I continue to be impressed by their professionalism and communication skills - even at my most stressed they always responded in a calm and clear manner. Stoked to be moving on to the next chapter of my property journey knowing that I made the right choice in agents! Thanks so much Anita, Shannon."


"We met Shannon at a viewing on a search for our first home, and after talking to us for a few minutes he recommended a different option that better suited our needs. Within an hour he showed us to what would soon become our new home, guiding us through every hurdle along the path to settlement! A true matchmaker, thank you Shannon for your patience, kindness, and expertise!"
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