

Sales - Last 24 months

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Sales - All time

(Confirmed sales)

Steve has been involved in most aspects of Real Estate since commencing as a Salesperson in August 1993. He has been a Sales Manager, Business Owner, Corporate Trainer for Ray White Australia & RE/MAX NZ before returning to being a front line Salesperson.

Born in Wellington and educated at St Patrick’s College and Victoria University in Wellington Steve entered real estate in August 1993, having come from a background in property management. During the last 23 years, Steve’s Real Estate Career has included:

• Sales Manager for Challenge Realty’s Oriental Bay Office in 1996, during which time he took the office into the top ten in the Challenge Realty Group.

• Owner/Operator of three Challenge Realty Wellington offices in October 1997. During his 7 years at the helm, Steve grew the company from a sales team of twelve to a team of sixty eight sales people with four thousand house sales worth over 1.5 billion dollars!

• Restructuring Ray White Australia’s International Business model to increase their competitiveness with RE/MAX at a time when over 300 sales people, in Queensland alone, had left Ray White to join RE/MAX.

• Director of Operations for RE/MAX New Zealand in 2005, which involved a vast amount of travelling, attending a wide range of leading international industry training seminars in Denver, Chicago and Brisbane.

After more than four hundred flights during his three years in his corporate career, Steve decided to resign and return to what he loves doing most - selling real estate in Wellington. In 2007, Steve took up the position of Salesperson and Branch Manager at Leaders Kilbirnie which he held until September 2015.

In September 2015, Steve joined the Harcourt’s team as Salesperson and Wellington City

Office Sales Manager.

In June of 2021 Steve took up a role with Wellington's fastest growing real estate company Lowe and Co Realty.

Successfully buying and selling real estate is about meeting people's needs, dreams and aspirations – Lowe and Co Realty are a brand that exemplifies trust, honesty and integrity – attributes that Steve is passionate about!

His extensive experience in real estate spanning local, national and international markets is a huge benefit to his clients.

Specialties include… effective, targeted marketing of residential property throughout Wellington City and the surrounding suburbs.