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Buying or selling property can be the most exciting, yet challenging journey we can experience. With over 21 years in the real estate industry John has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience. John's strong expertise of compliance issues, permits and consents enables him to guide you through the process of buying or selling from beginning to end. John works with you to form a winning partnership.

John has a drive and passion to see his clients succeed in reaching their personal goals and feels an enormous amount of satisfaction being able to interact with the diverse groups of people in our community on a daily basis.

With his appreciation for the established North Shore, John is renowned for both excellent sales results and dedication to hard work for all his clients.

John has lived in the Albany area for the last 16 years and worked in the Bays for 21 years. John and his partner Helen love the relaxed atmosphere of the Bays and you will often find them with their dog Daisy walking along the beach - do feel free to stop and say Hi!

It's no wonder John has stayed in real estate this long and still gets a huge amount of pleasure seeing happy and satisfied clients. From John you will receive professionalism, honesty and integrity, his success bears testament to this philosophy.