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Carl and Rosanne Madsen

Why Choose Us?

"The answer is simple...it is all about our clients - they are the #1, not us”

As real estate salespeople, we prefer to fly under the radar. Rather than being out there singing our own praises, we just get on with it and do what it takes to make a difference for our clients, that is, the very best result possible.

It is very easy for real estate salespeople to 'talk' about being honest, passionate, enthusiastic, trustworthy, professional, loyal, knowledgeable, committed, hardworking, great negotiators, award-winning etc… but much harder to ‘walk’ it.

We can proudly say we have been 'walking that talk' everyday together with our clients, for over 30 years now and loving every minute.

We understand every one of our client’s needs are different. People sell for a whole range of reasons and selling a home can sometimes be stressful. Absolutely everything we do is about making the journey for our clients, easy and effortless. Every detail is examined to ensure we do not leave anything to chance, and we will not stop until we have achieved what we set out to do… the more we practise the better we get.

We take what we do seriously and feel incredibly privileged to be part of our client’s life journey.

You have our word we will always work hard, be honest and produce the best result possible. Basically, we just want to leave a trail of happy clients and customers. It is what we are about and who we are.


To End March 2010, 2011, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022