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A born salesman, Bruce is an award-winning performer whose success is based upon adopting sales strategies that reflect the ever-changing needs of the housing market, finding homes for buyers that create a rich and rewarding future for their families.

What does that mean for his clients you ask? Bottom line is that he is in a unique position to obtain premium prices for his vendors – which he believes is the core principle of being a Real Estate agent.

He points out that simply having a property for sale on the internet is not global thinking – that is simply an electronic version of a signboard or newspaper advertisement.

Technology is great for sure, but if that was sufficient on its own, I would be out of a job! The best agents in this business realise that technology is simply a time-saving tool, a part of that job. A successful agent still has to be able to talk to people – face to face or on the phone - to uncover objections, answer questions, and ultimately to put a deal in place.

Negotiation often requires innovation – seeing the barriers that are being put in place and finding new and diverse solutions for them so that both buyer and seller are the winners on the day. He recalls an example – I managed to complete a sale between a British buyer and a local seller, where the entire transaction was completed in UK Pounds Sterling. It was an unconventional arrangement that suited both parties and increased the buyer’s comfort in paying a little more

His buyer database of over 2000 families spans the globe and he is in contact with them regularly, making sure that no stone is left unturned in the pursuit of the perfect buyer for a property.

As a seller, Bruce and his team are committed to making your journey through this process not only professional and timely, but hopefully enjoyable – many great relationships have been born out of deals Bruce has put together. Why not make your deal next…?