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Patrick Murphy comes from a family of successful Real Estate careers, following in the footsteps of his parents and now brothers, he has been groomed for this role for years.

Patrick Murphy comes from a family of successful Real Estate careers, following in the footsteps of his parents and now brothers, he has been groomed for this role for years. The knowledge he has been passed down from endless conversations with family is unmatched. This gives him a unique understanding of the development and changes the market has undergone. Learning from those before him he always resonated with his father’s motto of there is no substitute for service’ He plans to build on the foundations by those before yet set his own standard to continue to increase the growing legacy of the murphy’s name in real estate.

Working from the bottom up he started his career on the ground working property maintenance, learning what it takes to upkeep and present a property. He seemed further developed when he moved into a business development role in the franklin rental market, he found there was no substitute for handwork. This was the first taste of sales, and it was enough for him to know where his talents would be best suitable. An ability to listen and talk with anyone thanks to his experiences in recent years expanding across the globe. Extensive knowledge in the industry partnered with sales skills he felt he’d be suited in the world of property. He is now found himself building his own network specializing in the Franklin residential market.