

Sales - Last 24 months

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Meet Victoria Nightingale, a distinguished real estate professional with an impressive 25 years of success in the industry.

Victoria has dedicated her career to helping her clients navigate the complex and often overwhelming world of residential real estate sales. Her passion for the industry is matched only by her commitment to excellence, and her unwavering dedication to her clients and achieving outstanding results for them.

As one of the top agents at Bayleys St Heliers, Victoria has had the privilege of working alongside her husband, David Nightingale, who is widely regarded as the number one agent in the area. Together, they have built a formidable reputation for their exceptional results, expertise, integrity, and customer service.

Victoria's wealth of experience and knowledge has made her an invaluable resource to her clients, who benefit from her guidance, sound advice, and exceptional negotiating skills.

Victoria understands that selling or buying a home can be an emotional and stressful process, and she is committed to making the experience as smooth and stress-free as possible. She takes the time to get to know her clients, understand their unique needs and preferences, and work tirelessly to ensure that their goals are achieved.

If you're looking for a real estate agent who is passionate, knowledgeable, and committed to helping you achieve your real estate goals, look no further than David and Victoria Nightingale. With their experience, No. 1 status across the Central Eastern Bays and dedication to excellence, they are the perfect choice to help you achieve your successful real estate sale.

As one of the top agents at Bayleys St Heliers, Victoria has had the privilege of working alongside her husband, David Nightingale, who is widely regarded as the number one agent in the area. Together, they have built a formidable reputation for their exceptional results, expertise, integrity, and customer service.

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Gaspar & Rosemary

"We are very happy to recommend David and Victoria Nightingale to you if you are considering listing your property for sale. They have provided us with an excellent professional service enhanced by their long standing real estate experience. They kept us informed every step of the way and guided us with their extensive in-depth knowledge of the current local market. We were delighted to achieve the sale of our Apartment after a 4-week campaign."

Gaspar & Rosemary

"We are very happy to recommend David and Victoria Nightingale to you if you are considering listing your property for sale. They have provided us with an excellent professional service enhanced by their long standing real estate experience. They kept us informed every step of the way and guided us with their extensive in-depth knowledge of the current local market. We were delighted to achieve the sale of our Apartment after a 4-week campaign."