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REAA Licensed Sales Broker with a multi-disciplined team

Meet Akjot

A skilled real estate broker based in Auckland. With a talent for selling high-end properties in the city's prime areas, Akjot is your reliable partner in turning your real estate dreams into reality. More than just a home seller, he's a seasoned expert who knows the market inside out, putting in the hard work to ensure your property goals are not just met, but exceeded.

What sets him apart is his profound understanding of the local real estate landscape. Beyond merely selling houses, he combines his market expertise with a sincere commitment to working tirelessly on your behalf. Akjot is dedicated to securing the best deal for you and helping you achieve your real estate aspirations.

Renowned for his personalized approach, Akjot brings a unique blend of market knowledge and a strong work ethic to every client. Whether you're in the process of buying or selling, he stands by your side, providing dedicated guidance and expertise throughout the entire journey.

With a commitment to excellence and unparalleled customer service, Akjot will work tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome for your property.