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David has spent the last 36 years serving the public in various roles providing personal one on one help and support. The last 34 years having been spent dealing with people and their properties. His appreciative clientele can vouch for his dedication.

A passion for helping people and having that ‘going the extra mile’ mentality is what makes David the ideal person to represent your property in the market or in finding you your next ‘perfect place’ to live. In fact, no one gets a bigger buzz in achieving the optimum outcome for people than David himself.

David has been a Napier boy for the majority of his life and he gets a real thrill in seeing the development and prosperity of Hawke’s Bay going ahead in leaps and bounds.

He is from an administrative and retail background where he has given top notch customer service for the last 30 years and counting. David’s past clientele knows his integrity, honesty and reliability are a way of life for him as he strives to do the best for others at all times in either a personal or work place environment. Integrity is a cornerstone of his moral outlook as he understands that integrity is something hard won and too precious to lose.

David enjoys life and in his pastime, enjoys photography, golfing, boating, kayaking and experiencing the outdoors by cycling the many cycleways the region has to offer. He is a proud family man and is passionate about sports.

Give David a call for your realty needs. I look forward to meeting you and understanding where you are in your life, where you are going and how I can be of help to you to achieve your goal of buying or selling property. I believe a 20 to 30 minute meet and greet with me will definitely be an investment for you.

David Cairns.