NZ Realtors - Lodge Real Estate



Among my greatest personal achievements was getting onto the property ladder at the age of 23.

I’d always been passionate about homes, and for me it was a dream I made a reality from a relatively young age. It was daunting, but it was a massive buzz.

I also love connecting with people, so combining the two things that really make me ‘tick’ has been a natural path for me to take – I love the excitement and sense of fulfilment that I get from helping people buy and sell residential real estate.

Owning and investing in land and houses is truly life-changing, and it’s a privilege for me to become a small, but key, part of that in other people’s lives. Being part of something ‘big’, and helping others take courageous and exciting steps in their own journey gives me a great sense of fulfilment.

I realise my clients are investing significant trust and faith in me, so in return it’s my duty to act with absolute integrity and sharp attention to detail – only the best customer service will do.

To me, the central pillar of customer service is listening to customer needs, and this needs to happen throughout the real estate process. My initial conversations with clients are about gaining an understanding of what’s driving their needs, and gaining an appreciation of priorities and goals – from there we can design a marketing plan and execute it accordingly.

There’s no magic template or ‘success formula’ in buying and selling property, and any agent will tell you that no two sales are the same – but I can certainly promise to offer a solution that’s specifically tailored for:

I. The client’s wishes;

II. The attributes of the property;

III. The location, and;

IV. The most-promising market segment (i.e. the group of buyers where the best returns or value may lie).

I’ll also commit to working and networking hard – I’ll work the phone, adjust the sales pitch, present options to potential buyers, stage and front the open home, and attend to the critical detail.

My background includes interior design, and in particular kitchen design, and this is where I picked up genuine skills in project management, quality control, communication, and service delivery.

It’s important to me that I work proactively, because in my experience this helps ease the inevitable concerns that are part of major change.

Whether you’re buying or selling real estate, I believe there are opportunities to help smooth the transition, and I’ll be vigilant on my client’s behalf to help remove barriers and potential pitfalls.

I’m simply passionate about real estate and I love people (and coffee!).

Give me a call today and let’s attend to the business side of things before celebrating in mutual success.