

Sales - Last 24 months

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Sales - All time

(Confirmed sales)

Really good. We found Barry and Nicole very honest, and we appreciated their communication. We can't believe how easy and quick it was to sell our property and we thank them for that. – E. Frost & C. Vertogen

Family Business

Team Barry and Nicole, owners of One Agency Your Place, have sold hundreds of homes over the last decade. Being part of a sales team means it's not just about business, it's about providing for their family. With four children between Barry and Nicole there is always something going on. Launching their real estate careers during the Canterbury's earthquakes was a challenge to say the least. However through their innovative and unique marketing style, constant enthusiasm and sheer determination they soon became known for their ethical work standards and accountability.

Staying Current

The real estate industry is constantly changing. This means the public expects a higher level of equality, innovation and integrity. Team Barry and Nicole endeavour to stay one step ahead of the competition when it comes to new marketing techniques, computer software and digital media. While constantly educating themselves on new legislation, compliance matters and sales techniques.

Experience and Drive

Individually Team Barry and Nicole have a wealth of experience. Barry built a tech company in the 90's from an idea to exceeding $1 million in sales per year, providing him a wealth of marketing and business nous. Barry's genuine commitment to his business means he ensures all of his team are meeting their professional goals, ONE step at a time.

"We'd be lying if we said real estate was a walk in the park. It isn't. You need to know who you are and be willing to go the extra mile for your clients. Sales techniques can be learnt, however having ethics comes from who you are. A higher standard of ethics sets you up for becoming the best salesperson you can be in a sea of mediocrity." - Team Barry and Nicole


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