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Elected as the official spokesperson for the Bhutanese Community, I hold a strong rapport with my clients and look forward to guiding you through your real estate journey

Sam's roots in Nepal have instilled in him a deep sense of culture and community values. With a strong rapport with the Bhutanese community, he goes beyond the conventional real estate agent role. For Sam, it's about understanding the unique needs and aspirations of his clients.

Sam's commitment to the community goes beyond the confines of a real estate office. He actively engages in community events, participates in cultural celebrations, and ensures that he remains a familiar and approachable face within the community.

When it's time for business, let Sam be your man.

Sam extends a comprehensive suite of marketing resources, offering a diverse selection that includes Virtual spaces, online Laser measurement tools, Video marketing services, Professional photography, Aerial photography, and more!


Hannah and Dan

"Great first home buyer experience Sam was very knowledgeable and approachable so easy to communicate with which made our first home purchase enjoyable. When the sale didn’t go quite as planned he made the experience as easy as possible so would definitely recommend ! Verified by RateMyAgent"

Gopal and Gauri

"Samuel is really professional with good communication skills and wider knowledge of marketing. Samuel is trustworthy and reliable person who always do the best to his clients Verified by RateMyAgent"
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