Ray White - Pakuranga



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“The best investment on earth is earth itself.”

After a strong few years in the corporate accounting industry, Himanshu discovered his passion for the Real Estate industry through his desire to reach new heights and further exercise his entrepreneurial talents. Furthermore, a family business in kitchen fittings and cabinetry really ignited his fire within to establish himself as an industry leader in Real Estate.

Himanshu has experience from business ventures and corporate experience in the accounting industry which allows him to bring a robust combination of self discipline, leadership, and high quality work ethic. His optimistic energy and enthusiasm supplement his honest and caring nature to create a lethal combination for strong results.

With a hunger for self development, Himanshu strives to be the best version of himself each day. This ambition arises from his vision to give back to his immediate family and the community around him. This exact ambition allows him to connect with his clients and customers to perform his fiduciary duties to his highest abilities and deliver the best results.

Backed by the industry leading agent in Ray White, if you are looking to buy or sell property, or have any other property related queries, you can put your confidence in Himanshu knowing he will deliver first-class results.