- Ray White Ponsonby



Coming from a background of working in the banking sector and subsequently running her own successful chain of supermarkets, Helen’s working philosophy is built around transparency, honesty, and hard work. Her recent studies at Unitec have rewarded her with a New Zealand Certificate in Real Estate, with which she has now embarked on a new career as a certified real estate agent.

“Becoming a real estate agent was an straightforward decision for me and a very smooth move from my previous roles, as I can easily transplant my skillset and my life philosophies, and at the same time offer help to people in a market that’s urgently needed. I believe in being transparent in everything I do – not even opaque or translucent is OK.”

Helen is an excellent communicator in both English and Chinese, and based on her self-employed and employed work experience, she is a very good team member.

“Owning my own business also gave me enough financial freedom and time to travel around the world and open my horizons. I believe that all the above experience is not only useful, but also necessary to be a successful real estate agent,” she says. “I enjoy my life because I am sailing my own ship instead of swimming with the tide.”


Hera He

"She is a skilled listener and negotiator, she gave me many suggestions on how to find a investment property even before she became a real estate agent. "